The Healing Power of Art in Isolation

This is a trying time for all of us. We are physically confined to our homes, and we are mentally confined to the present. Our thoughtfully planned out futures have been ravaged by the coronavirus, as have many of our friends and loved ones. The world beyond our front doors is fearful and uncertain.

But we are also united, perhaps more united with every other citizen of the world than ever before. We are united in our effort to survive and thrive, to conquer this virus and make the world a better place for it.

Siy Gallery’s mission is to celebrate this unity through the universal medium of art, and to promote the positive effects art has on our mental health when we create, share and consume it—effects that are essential to our success in overcoming this far-reaching challenge.

In order to highlight the specific importance of art during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Siy Gallery will be hosting an online exhibition titled The Healing Power of Art in Isolation.

We are looking for art that has been inspired by, or created despite, Covid, quarantine and isolation. The entry deadline is August 31st, 2020. Twenty entries will be selected by our Siy Gallery juried team. The public will then vote for the top three on our Facebook and Instagram pages. The public voting will begin on September 4th and end on September 6th; we will announce the top three winners at 6pm PDT on Sunday, September 6th. The winning pieces will be featured on our website September 8th through November 30th, 2020.

If you are interested in submitting, please visit our event page:  Register Now