
S’kateboarding and art have always been a place of healing for most people. Creating art helps artists to escape into a place of imagination. It helps escape the realities that most couldn't change due to circumstances outside our control. You can feel the most authentic when creating something new. It's the same with skateboarding. The feel of riding a board. The movement and the flow of life. The sound of wheels clicking on the sidewalk cracks. A sound that still to this day when I'm looking out the window to see who is skating by. The people you meet and the bonds of friendship you build through practicing your art with them. A cycle of mental healing and physical pain can be very cathartic.” -Jesse F

What: SkateFair: Unleash the artist in you! Join us for SIY gallery 1st annual skateboard art exhibition  and competition! Participants will submit original painted or hand created 3d skateboard deck.

Where: Completed artwork will be placed on display at the San Mateo County Fair, The Dogpatch SF, Little Raven Gallery and Siy Gallery. Onlookers can enjoy and admire and vote for their favorite uniquely designed pieces of artwork. Votes will partly be from our instagram social media likes in July. Judging: A panel of judges and the public votes will determine the top winners. Prizes awarded.  Winners will be announced end of July 2024. 

When: June 1st -9th 2024 10am-10pm San Mateo county fair 1346 Saratoga drive, San Mateo Ca. June 11th- June 30th in San Francisco .June 22 Dogpatch reception 6p-11p at 1415 Indiana st in SF and at Little Raven Gallery 1015 Howard St. tba reception. July 1st- Aug 31st Siy Gallery Atelier Showroom 1150 El Camino real suite 247 San Bruno Ca tba reception.  Winners will be announced at the end of Aug 2024

Sell Your Deck Art: 50% of proceeds belong to artist; or keep your artwork.  We will donate $50 to Art for Aids for each sale of the skateboard art.

Art for AIDS supports the behavioral health of underserved LGBTQ and HIV-affected San Franciscans. We are so appreciative of your talent and your generous donation. You will help make it possible for their clients to receive life-saving care. 
Special Thanks to Stephen S and Mike Q for donating many of the skateboard decks for the artists to create these amazing artworks! Thank you also for Mario G for designing all the posters and helping with logistics!

Select participating artists include:

Stephen Seymour
Lizzie Siy
Maiori Guitron
Mario "Smurks" Guitron
Marianna Kiraly
Colin "Big C" Hoffman
Jesse Foshay
Nobu Kaji
Ben Agcaoili
Joe Vinet
Lorenzo Perez
Ominus 1
Cyi Exist
Lissa Starne
Carlos "Kookie" Gonzales 
Robert Foster
Greta Waterman
Jordan Held
William Richardson
Michael Kavanagh
Rachel Aloycius
Kerry Doss