April Fitzpatrick

As an artist, art therapist, and founder of Pineapples with Purpose, April’s creative expression collides with her cultural experiences, which have imposed a powerful influence on her art process and professional endeavors. She draws influence from Black psychology, the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement, and Souls Grown Deep.
Her work is a conversation between self and place, using the pineapple and the art process as a paradoxical intervention to address the core of our emotional and mental wellness. April creates in her front room, but hopes to have a studio one day.
Each piece is created using acrylic, found objects, patterns, texture, and the pineapple, alternating between mediums of painting, mixed media, and collaging.
April has managed to gain local and national visibility among countless galleries and exhibitions in places such as Los Angeles,CA, Ventura, CA, San Francisco, CA, Tribeca, NY, Washington, DC, Tallahassee, FL, and Quincy, FL. April imagines getting to the “core” of trauma and believes her artwork is the bridge that leads to that first step.
April Fitzpatrick
Visual Artist/Art Therapist
Founder and CEO of PWP
https://www.pineappleswithpurpose.com/April is an advocate of the Greater Jackson Arts Concil https://www.greaterjacksonartscouncil.com which April has designated as her way to support Mental Health